Jadwal Praktik

Hari Jam
Rabu 16:00 - 18:00
Jumat 14:00 - 16:00

Data Pribadi

  • Nama Dokterdr. Sawitri, SpDVE, Subsp D.A. FINSDV, FAADV
  • SpesialisSpesialis Kulit dan Kelamin


    Tahun 1988 Lulus Dokter FK UNAIR

    Tahun 1991 Lulus Pendidikan Profesi Dokter FK UNAIR

    Tahun 1998 Lulus S2 Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin FK UNAIR


    Penata Muda - III/a / RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya / 1992 - 1999

    Penata Muda Tk.I - III/b / RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya / 1999 - 2004

    Penata - III/c / RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya / 2004 - 2008

    Penata Tk.I - III/d / RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya / 2008 - 2011

    Pembina - IV/a / RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya / 2011 - 2014

    Pembina - IV/b / RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya / 2014 – saat ini

    Anggota IDI Surabaya

    Anggota PERDOSKI Surabaya

    Anggota KSDAI


Workshop on Chemical Peels. Institute  Dermatology, Singapore, National Skin Centre, University of Britisg Columbia 1995.

Pelatihan Tutor dan Instruktur Ketrampilan Medik Problem Based Learning. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Universitas Airlangga Fakultas Kedokteran, 2002.

Medical Science Post Graduate course dengan Topik Biologi Molekuler. FK Unair/ Gramik, 2003.

NSC Advance Dermatology Fellowship Course. National Skin Centre, 2004.

Dermatologic Course : Vesicobullous Dermatoses, Genodermatoses, skin Tumors. Dutch foundation Postgraduate Medical course / FK Unair/ RS Dr. Soetomo, 2005.

Two  day In house Training on Internal Auditor for Quality Management Systems. Q Internasional, 2007.

Pelatihan Keterampilan Melatih untuk Pelatih RSU dr. Soetomo Surabaya. E- Training / RSUD dr. Soetomo, 2007.

Basic Mesotherapy hands on training course. IMMA, 2008.

Workshop Prevention of Disability. Departemen Kesehatan kulit dan Kelamin/ FK UNAIR/ RS Dr. Soetomo, 2008.

Workshop Comprehensive CO2 laser. KSDLI/ Perdoski/ SSC, 2009.

Pelatihan Dermatologi Laser tahap magang : Basic Laser CO2. KSDLI/ Perdoski/ SSC, 2009.

National Seminar and Workshop Laser for Pigmented Skin Lesion. Perdoski/ UNDIP/ KSDLI/ RSUP dr. Kariadi, 2009.

Pelatihan Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Unair, 2009.

Workshop on STI. Asia Pasific Conference (IUSTI), 2010.

Workshop  on HIV. Asia Pasific Conference (IUSTI), 2010.

Workshop Laser for vascular diseasein dermatology. Surabaya / PERDOSKI, FK UA, KSDLI, RS Dr. Soetomo, 2010.

Pelatihan Pengembangan Staf – Pelatihan Penguji OSCE tahap I. Fakultas Kedokteran Unair, 2010.

Pelatihan Dermatologi Kosmetik ( Cosmetic dermatology Update). KSDKI/ Perdoski, 2011.

Workshop Cosmetic Dermatology Update (Everything about hair). KSDKI/ Perdoski/ RSUD dr. Soetomo/ FK Unair, 2012.

Training of Trainers Ketrampilan dasar Bedah. KIBI/ Perdoski, 2012.

Pelatihan Penguji OSCE untuk AIPKI. AIPKI/ UNAIR/Komite Bersama Uji Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia, 2012.

Teosyal Workshop. Teoxane laboratory / Universal Estetika, 2013.

Course : Management of Atopic dermatitis and In vivo diagnostic allergic test. IDI/ Perdoski cabang Surabaya/ Kelompok studi Imunodermatologi, 2014.

Dry Course Cosmetic and Intervention in Dermatology: Whats New ?. Surabaya / PERDOSKI, IDI, FK UA, RS Dr Soetomo, 2015.

Course on Allergy and Immunology. IDI/ RSUD dr. Soetomo/ Dutch Foundation, 2015.


Simposium Penggunaan Kortikosteroid Topikal secara Rasional, Surabaya 2003.

KONAS XI Perdoski : Dermatovenerologi Memasuki Era Evidence Basd Medicine, Jakarta 2005.

Simposium Bulosa pada Bayi dan Anak, Surabaya 2007.

PKB New Perspective Of Dermatitis, Surabaya 2008.

Lokakarya Promosi Kesehatan Rumah Sakit, Surabaya 2008.

PKB New Perspective of Sexually TransmittedInfection Problems, Surabaya 2010.

Lasers for vascular Lesions in dermatology, Surabaya 2010.

Seminar Diagnosa & Penatalaksanaan Dermatitis pada Anak, Gresik 2011.

P2KB Dermatoses & STI Associated with Travel to tropical Country, Surabaya 2011.

Siang Klinik : The role of Methisoprinol in viral infection treatment, Surabaya 2012.

7th Regional Scientific Meeting on Pediatric Dermatology, Towards Better Service in Update Pediatric Dermatology, Jakarta 2012.

Recent management of dermatology in daily practice, Surabaya 2013.

The role of Dermatovenereology in environmental and occupational health, Surabaya 2013.

Dissemination of 2013 Asia pacific Atopic dermatitis consensus, Surabaya 2013.

P2KB Advance in Pediatric and Geritric Dermatology : Challenge and Perspective in the future,  Surabaya 2014.

Evidence Based Dermatology Therapy in daily practice, Surabaya 2014.

Management of Complication in Dermatotherapy and intervention, Surabaya 2015.

Cosmetic and Intervention in Dermatology: Whats New ?, Surabaya 2015.

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