Jadwal Praktik

Hari Jam
Sabtu 11:00 - 13:00

Data Pribadi

  • Nama Dokterdr. Fitri Abdullah Jawas, SpDVE, FINSDV, FAADV
  • SpesialisSpesialis Kulit dan Kelamin


    • Tahun 1992 SD Muhammadiyah II Denpasar
    • Tahun 1993 SMP Negeri I Denpasar
    • Tahun 1996 SMA Negeri I Denpasar
    • Tahun 2003 Dokter, FK Udayana
    • Tahun 2008 Spesialis Penyakit Kulit dan dan Kelamin FK. Unair


    • 2008 - 2010       : Surabaya Skin Centre
    • 2009 - sekarang : SMF Kulit dan Kelamin RSU Haji Surabaya
    • 2010-2015         : ERHA Clinic Surabaya
    • 2016-sekarang   : Surabaya Skin Centre


Symposium Dermatology in Dayli Practic, Surabaya 2006.

In The 17th Regional Conference of Dermatology, Bali 2006.

Simposium Dermatosis Bulosa Pada Bayi dan Anak, Surabaya 2007.

Workshop Laser At Departement of Dermato-Venereology School of Medicine, Airlangga University - Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya 2007.

Simposium Kosmetik PIT IX Perdoski, Surabaya 2007.

Plenary Lecture I Kosmetik PIT IX Perdoski, Surabaya 2007.

Simposium Update on The Management of Sensitive Skin  PIT IX Perdoski, Surabaya 2007.

Simposium A Breaktrought for Herpes Disease  PIT IX Perdoski, Surabaya 2007.

Seminar Perspective of Laser Dermatology, Surabaya 2008.

One Day Seminar “Leprosy in Perspective” Celebrating 30 Years of Cooperation Between Netherland Leprosy Relief (NLR) And Airlangga University - Medical Faculty / dr Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya 2008.

Simposium, Demo, dan Pameran Dermatologi Kosmetik Everything About Skin Pigmentation, Jakarta 2009.

Seminar Comprehensive CO2 Laser Pelatihan pada Tahap Pembekalan II, Jakarta 2009.

Workshop Comprehensive CO2 Laser Pelatihan pada Tahap Pembekalan III, Jakarta 2009.

Seminar Basic Principle in Laser Dermatology, Jakarta 2009.

Workshop Comprehensive CO2 Laser, Jakarta 2009.

Seminar Basic Laser Dermatology dan Comprehensive CO2 Laser, Jakarta 2009.

Workshop National Seminar and Workshop Laser for Pigmented Skin Lesions, Semarang 2009.

National Seminar and Workshop Laser for Pigmented Skin Lesions Session I : Basic Pigmented Laser, Semarang 2009.

National Seminar and Workshop Laser for Pigmented Skin Lesions Session II : Application of Laser and Light Source for Pigmented Disorders, Semarang 2009.

National Seminar and Workshop Laser for Pigmented Skin Lesions Session III : New Horizon in Pigmented Laser, Semarang 2009.

Workshop National Seminar and Workshop Laser for Pigmented Skin Lesions, Semarang 2009.

Seminar “National Seminar and Workshop Laser for Pigmented Skin Lesions”, Semarang 2009.

Symposium on Dermatology in Daily Practice - 3 theme : The Sun Rays Effect to Skin  Our Attention to The Drecreasing Ozone Layer and Global Warming Era, Surabaya 2009.

PIT X Perdoski, Banten 2009.

Pelatihan Dermatologi Kosmetik Chemical Peeling untuk Acne, Kombinasi Microneedling + Subsisi untuk Scar Acne, Punch Elevation untuk Skar Acne, Combined Peel. NAtional Symposium & Workshop in Cosmetic Dermatology Acne New Concepts and Challenges, Jakarta 2010.

11th Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) Indonesian Society of Dermatology & Venereology (Perdoski), Bali 2010.

Simposium Dermatologi Kosmetik National Symposium & Workshop in Cosmetic Dermatology Acne New Concepts and Challenges, Jakarta 2010.

Simposium (Pengabdian Masyarakat)  Kongres Nasional XIII Perdoski  (Pengabdian Profesi dan Masyarakat) Kongres Nasional XIII Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia, Manado 2011.

Workshop Cosmetic Dermatology Up Date Everything About Hair, Surabaya 2012.

The 6th Symposium Dermatology in Daily Practice Update of Medical and Intervention Dermatology 2012,  Surabaya 2012.

Symposium Management of Dermatology in Daily Practice 2013, Surabaya 2013.

Symposum Evidence Based Dermatology Therapy in Daily Practice, Surabaya 2014.

Workshop Management of Complication in Dermatology and Intervention (Laser Rejuvenation, Botox and Filler Injection, PRP ? Mesotherapy for Rejuvenation, Surgical Dermatology Bleparoplasty / facelit / Liposuction / Bromhidrosis), Surabaya 2015.

Simposium Management of Complication in Dermatotherapy and Intervention, Surabaya 2015.

Collagen Rejuvenation Therapy Training, Jakarta 2015.

Workshop Contuining Dermatology & Venereology Education “All About Skin Tightening”, Surabaya 2016.

Symposium Continuing Dermatology & Venereology Education “All About Skin Tightening”, Surabaya 2016.

Symposium Integrating Basic Science & Aesthetic Dermatology Incorporating with IMCAS Paris, Surabaya 2017.

Workshop Integrating Basic Science & Aesthetic Dermatology Incorporating with IMCAS Paris Topics Botox, Filler, Threadlift & Laser, Surabaya 2017.

Workshop Wound Dressing “Enhancing Evidence Based Dermatology Practice in Globalization Era”, Surabaya 2018.

Nasional Simposium “Indonesia Conference of Laser – Aesthetic – Dermatosurgery, Bali 2019.

Recent Clinically Applied : Comprehensive Diagnostic and Management of Sexually Transmitted Infection in Daily Practice, Surabaya 2019.

The Role of Pseudo-Ceramide As a Therapeutic Moisturizer for Skin Diseases and Cosmetic, Surabaya 2019.



Temu Ilmiah Diabetik 2011 AsDI Jawa Timur Aplikasi Manajemen Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Mellitus Secara Komprehensive, Surabaya 2011.

Symposium Cosmetic Dermatology Up Date Everything About Hair, Surabaya 2012.

Symposum Evidence Based Dermatology Therapy in Daily Practice, Surabaya 2014.

Seminar Gizi & Kecantikan “Gizi untuk Mengoptimalkan Kesehatan dan Kecantikan”, Surabaya 2014.

Workshop Management of Complication in Dermatotherapy and Intervention, Surabaya 2015.

Symposium Integrating Basic Science & Aesthetic Dermatology Incorporating with IMCAS Paris, Surabaya 2017.

Workshop Integrating Basic Science & Aesthetic Dermatology Incorporating with IMCAS Paris Topics Botox, Filler, Threadlift & Laser, Surabaya 2017.

Batik 2nd Fashion Fair 2017, Surabaya 2017.

Talkshow Edukasi Kulit By Surabaya Skin Centre, Surabaya 2018.

Berita Kami

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